Vinayak Gypsum Plaster

Range Of Vinayak Gypsum Plaster : 


1. Vinayak Gypsum
2. Vinayak Gypsum Fine
3. Vinayak Gypsum Super Fine 
Salient Features : 
  1. Premixed light weight Plaster.
  2. Easy Workability : Easy to mix - Easy to Apply.
  3. Less water consumption – 15 liter water required for 25 kg plaster. Water curing is not required.
  4. Free from inherent shrinkage cracks.
  5. Classified as non combustible (BS:476 part 4:1970)
  6. Low Thermal conductivity – (Thermal Resistance R = 0.07 m2 k/w, 13mm thickness)
  7. Low Density
  8. Light Weight – Better strength to weight ratio as compared to density.
  9. Achieves total strength within 48 hours on complete drying (Quick drying)
  10. Better sound ab sorption.
Basic Important Facts : 
The consumption of Gypsum Plaster is directly related to the line & level of the walls in the building, which is a variable factor. It also depends upon the basic wall base material i.e. Bricks/Blocks.

Based on field trials & experience, the consumption pattern of Gypsum Plaster varies between 1.5 kg. in a right angle finish on the walls.

It is advisable to do a mock up of a entire flat in your building to ascertain the actual consumption pattern of Gypsum Plaster.
Guidelines For Application : 
  1. Fittings & plugging should be done before plastering. Openings, chasing etc. (for fittings or conduits ) should be filled firmly before starting plastering.
  2. Entire background (to be plastered) should be thoroughly brushed & cleaned to remove dust, loose mortar & oil/grease.
  3. The surface should be reasonably dry & protected from weather conditions. The height suction background should be adjusted by sprinkling water.
  4. Always mix powder, not water to powder. Material should be thoroughly mixed & stirred as to insure it is free from lumps and impurities before use.
  5. Once plaster wet mix is made & has started to do set, it should not be tempered with fresh mix or powder, as it will affect the properties.
  6. Due care should be taken to ensure that rapid loss of water is avoided, in not & dry condition.
  7. Tools & Water used should be cleaned & free from impurities.
  8. To ensure that hands are dry before always fold open end of bag, to protect plaster from moisture.
  9. Bags should be handled carefully to avoid tearing. Hooks are not recommended.

Colours of Finished Surface Off White White Super White
Bulk Density kg/m³ 1250 1120 1050
Setting Time/minutes 20-25 25-30: 30-35
Coverage of 25 kg Bag at 13 mm (Thickness) 16-17 sq.ft 18-19 sq.ft: 20-21 sq.ft
Compressive Strength kg/cm² 65-75 70-80 70-80


